Latest News
Annual membership fee $20.00
Class fee $5.00
Visitors $6.00
A Pre Paid Card can be purchased - 11 classes for $50.00. The card can be used at any Prime Movers class but remember – it will not be replaced if you lose it, so treat it like cash!
Prime Movers do not break for school holidays during the year.
Please wear comfortable clothing and lace up sport shoes and bring a bottle of water.
For information on locations of classes in your area please see 'Timetables'.
NEW class in Dawesville on Wednesdays 9.45 - 10.45AM
See 'Timetables' for details of venue
NEW class in Kallaroo on Mondays 9.30 - 10.30AM
Commencing 10th March 2025
See 'Timetables' for details of venue
12TH APRIL 2025
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting will be held on SATURDAY 12 APRIL 2025 at 10.00AM.
The venue is John McGrath Hall, 97 Hensman Street, South Perth (best car park at the rear of
Como Bowls Club).
1. Reading of the Notice of Meeting.
2. Recording of apologies.
3. Reading and confirmation (by resolution) of the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 13 April 2024.
4. Presentation of President’s report.
5. Presentation of audited statement of receipts and expenditure for year ended December 2024 and adoption of same if approved.
6. Election of Office Bearers and Other Members of the Committee as follows: -
a) Ratification of President – One Year Term
b) Vice President – Two Year Term
c) Treasurer – Two Year Term
d) 3 Committee Members – Two Year Term
7. Appointment of Auditor.
8. Ratification of fees and subscriptions.
9. Any other business of which at least seven (7) days prior notice has been given in writing.
Nominations for appointments to any of the above Committee vacancies must be submitted in writing and be in
the hands of the Secretary, Ingrid Alexander, PO Box 7308, Karawara WA 6152 by close of business Friday 28th
March 2025.
The following details must be included for each nomination:
a) Name of nominated person.
b) Position for which the person is nominated.
c) Print names and signatures of Proposer, Seconder and the nominated person.
We wish to nominate …………………………………………………………………………………………for the position
(please print name)
of ……………………………………………………………………………….. for a period of two years from the Annual
General Meeting to be held on 12 April 2025.
PROPOSER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… (print then sign)
SECONDER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… (print then sign)
I ACCEPT THE NOMINATION (signed) ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Please note: Completed Nomination Forms must be in the hands of the Secretary, Ingrid Alexander
PO Box 7308, Karawara WA 6152 by close of business Friday 28th March
Welcome back!! Another year of exercise and friendship ahead of us. Hopefully, you have all had a safe and relaxing break and are ready to take 2025 by storm. There has been a lot in the press recently about the benefits of exercise to our mental health and cognition, especially as we get older, so we are all doing our part to be the best we can be.
Registrations in the first few weeks of the year have been very encouraging, despite the heat, so we are hopeful that we will have another successful year. Don’t forget to tell your friends about us!
Thank you, as always, for your support.
Our AGM will be held on Saturday April 12th, 10am – 12pm 2025, at the John McGrath Hall, 97 Hensman Street, South Perth. Please make a note on your calendar so that you can be there to have input into the running of Prime Movers. Everyone is welcome, but only financial members are entitled to vote, so make sure you bring your membership card with you in case there is any query.
Our current Treasurer, Jan Culver, will not be re-nominating for the position at the AGM, so if you have an accounting background and would like to keep your skills up whilst giving back to the community, here is your chance. If this doesn’t sound like a fit for you, perhaps you have a friend or family member who might be interested. To find out more please email our secretary, Ingrid Alexander at and include your name, phone number and an outline of relevant experience. Needless to say, the position of Treasurer is vital in any organisation, so please help us to find the right person.
When Pauline stepped down from the committee Karen Mennell became Acting President and Shirley Zaknich was co-opted to complete Karen’s term of office. When Kate also stepped down, the committee decided to cover her position internally and wait until the AGM for a replacement. This has meant that everyone has done a little bit extra, especially Adrian who has done a LOT more. This all means that there may well be a shuffling of portfolios after the AGM!
We are seeking nominations for Treasurer (as above); Vice President (the VP also holds a portfolio) and three general committee members. All positions are for a 2 – year term. Please give serious thought to nominating to join the committee. Nominations for all positions must be received by the Secretary by Thursday, March 28th, 2025.
Meeting notices and nomination forms will be available in classes soon.
The committee has been working hard since classes finished in early December 2024 to ensure we have a strong start to 2025. For a variety of reasons, there have been some changes to regular classes. The Wednesday Karrinyup class has been closed and in March Dionne will be starting a new class at Kallaroo on Mondays. The Thursday Rockingham class has been closed, and Glenice is taking over the Tuesday Lynwood class previously run by Kate. Kay has opened a new class in Dawesville and there have been a couple of other changes of times or instructors.
Check the website for details or pick up a hard copy from your instructor.
We will always try to give as much notice as possible if a class is cancelled, but occasionally, if an instructor is sick and no relief is available, it may be cancelled at the last minute. Hopefully, you will understand that if this happens, it was unavoidable. Please continue to check the Prime Movers web page where notices will be posted about class changes when possible –
Prime Movers is still on the search for new instructors. Our current instructors are working at capacity, going above and beyond what we should expect from them to try to keep classes running smoothly, but there is a limit to what they can do and there is a distinct possibility that classes may have to close temporarily or even permanently if we are unable to cover holidays, sickness or retirements. We have been advertising on local Curtin Radio, distributing new posters, and will be trialling Facebook to help get the word out, but members are an important part of this push. We would love to hear from you if you, or someone you know, have questions, or are thinking about the idea but not sure what is involved. Speak to your instructor or email the Secretary at PLEASE!
Don’t forget the pre-paid class vouchers. $50 buys you 10 classes and then your eleventh class is free! Who doesn’t love a ‘freebie’? The card can be used at any Prime Movers class but remember – it will not be replaced if you lose it, so treat it like cash! As well as saving money, it’s a great help to you as you don’t have to find cash for each class and it’s a great help to the hostesses and instructors.
The safety of our members is always important to the committee.
Covid continues to be a reality for the community, and we must all learn to live with it. Please remember to take sensible precautions to protect yourself and others. Use the hand sanitizer that is provided by the instructors and stay away from class if you are unwell.
First Aid demonstrations for instructors and hostesses will be held this year to ensure that they can confidently manage incidents that might occur during classes. This is particularly important at venues that do not have on-site staff. Please have your emergency contact details on the back of your name badge and your membership card just in case!!
Please wear sneakers or trainers to class. Wearing lace-ups ensures that your feet stay firmly in your shoes, even if someone accidently steps on the back of your shoe, and the soles will minimise the risk of slipping at most of our venues.
Have water with you so that you can stay hydrated, especially in the warmer months.
Always just do what you can during classes. It’s good to push yourself a little but listen to your body and take a break if necessary. Just keep moving and laughing – you’ll feel the benefit.
Prime Movers shirts are available from instructors. They cost $25 and instructors carry a limited supply but can easily order more.
Once again in 2024, Prime Movers made charitable donations. We gave $1000 to Wheelchairs for Kids (did you notice that one of driving forces behind that charity was awarded Senior Australian of the Year in January?) and $5000 was donated to the Harry Perkins Research Institute in support of Nina Morawski’s MACA Charity Bike Ride. (The Harry Perkins Research Institute is doing some amazing world-leading research into cancer – something that seems to touch us all at some time). Through her fundraising efforts, and with the help of Prime Movers and our members, Nina raised an amazing $16000! Be warned, she will be doing the ride again this year, so expect to see the collection tins appearing at your classes soon!
It’s wonderful to know that the members of Prime Movers are able to contribute so positively to the community we live in.
As always, classes will run throughout the year, except on Public Holidays. Our last class for the year is on December 5th, 2025.
Stay safe and have a wonderful year.