Prime Movers classes are available all over the Metropolitan area.
From Quinns Rocks in the North to Mundaring in the East and Mandurah and Coodanup in the South. You're sure to find a class to suit you.
Please select an area below or on the map, where you would like to participate in a class:

Northern Suburbs
Currambine Community Centre
64 Delamere Ave
Instructor: Nina
Ph. 0427 195 717
Laguna Club
49 Homer Street
Instructor: Yongle
Ph. 0400 110 320
Rob Baddock Community Centre
Cnr Dampier Ave/Mullaloo Dr
Instructor : Dionne
Ph. 0449 955 097
Karrinyup Rec Centre
Cnr Newborough & Nerita Way
Instructor: Pat
9448 5990
Herb Graham Centre
38 Ashbury Crescent
Instructor : Jenny
Ph. 0418 921 564
Gum Blossom Community Centre
Tapping Way
Instructor : Nina
Ph. 0427 195 717
Jim Satchell Recreation Centre
Light Street
Instructor: Valita
Ph. 0401 083 469
Hamersley Community Centre
Belvedere Road
Instructor: Julie
Ph. 9447 4708
Osborne Park Community Centre
11 Royal St (cnr library)
Instructor: Sandy E
Ph. 0478 899 768
Currambine Community Centre
64 Delamere Ave
Instructor: Nina
Ph. 0427 095 717
Laguna Club
49 Homer Street
Instructor : Yongle
Ph. 0400 110 320
Rob Baddock Community Centre
Cnr Dampier Avenue & Mullaloo Drive
Instructor: Robyn H
Ph. 0429 205 756
Stirling Community Centre
Charles Riley Reserve,
Kitchener Street
Instructor: Pat
Ph. 9448 5990
Leisure Centre
Belvedere Road
Instructor : Sandy
Ph. 0478 899 768
Herb Graham Centre
38 Ashbury Crescent
Instructor: Julie
Ph. 9447 4708
Craigie Leisure Centre
Whitfords Avenue
Instructor: Julie
Ph. 9447 4708
Currambine Community Centre
64 Delamere Avenue
Instructor : Dionne
Ph. 0449 955 097
Leisure Centre
Belvedere Road
Instructor: Robyn H
Ph. 0429 205 756
Karrinyup Sports Centre
Cnr Newborough & Nerita Way
Instructor: Pat
Ph. 9448 5990
Western Suburbs
Loftus Recreation Centre
Loftus Street
Instructor: Adrian
Ph. 0403 959 897
Melville Recreation Centre
Cnr Stock Rd & Canning Hwy
Instructor: Robin
Ph. 0450 868 686
Alf Adams Pavilion
Solomon Street
Instructor: Zenda
Ph. 0424 833 179
Instructor: Marie
Ph. 0447 343 671
Cambridge Bowling Club
39 Chandler Avenue West
Instructor: Trish
Ph. 0418 945 012
Loftus Recreation Centre
Loftus Street
Instructor: Robyn H
Ph. 0429 205 756
Melville Recreation Centre
Cnr Stock Rd &
Canning Hwy
Instructor: Trish
Ph. 0418 945 012
All Saints Uniting Church Hall
48 - 50 Berkeley Crescent
Instructor: Trish
Ph. 0418 945 012
Eastern Suburbs
Swan Active Beechboro
Benara Road
Instructor: Jan
Ph. 9296 4959
The Rise
28 Eighth Ave
Instructor: Valita
Ph. 0401 083 469
Swan Italian Sporting Club
9 Francis Street
Instructor : Shirley
Ph. 9296 6772
Mundaring Arena
Mundaring Weir Road
Instructor: Fiona
Ph. 0412 886 248
Oasis Leisure Centre
Cnr Abernethy & Alexander Road
Instructor: Marie
Ph. 0447 343 671
Gracelife Church Hall
Woodlake Bvld
Instructor : Jenny
Ph. 0418 921 564
Leisurelife Centre
Cnr Kent St & Gloucester St
Instructor: Robyn M
Ph. 0409 377 568
Morley Sport & Recreation Centre
Wellington Road
Instructor: Shirley
Ph. 9296 6772
Oasis Leisure Centre
Cnr Abernethy & Alexander Road
Instructor : Valita
Ph. 0401 083 469
Agricultural Hall
Canning Road
Instructor: Shirley
Ph. 9296 6772
Swan Italian Sporting Club
9 Francis Street
Instructor : Jan
Ph. 9296 4959
Mundaring Arena
Mundaring Weir Road
Instructor : Fiona
Ph. 0412 886 248
Swan Active Beechboro
Benara Road
Instructor: Jenny
Ph. 0418 921 564
Leisurelife Centre
Cnr Kent St & Gloucester St
Instructor: Robyn M
Ph. 0409 377 568
Gracelife Church Hall
Woodlake Bvld
Instructor: Jan
Ph. 9296 4959
Morley Sport & Recreation Centre
Wellington Road
Instructor : Fiona
Ph. 0412 886 248
South Eastern Suburbs
George Burnett Leisure Centre
Manning Road
Instructor: Pauline
Ph. 0490 824 930
Kelmscott Hall
60 River Road
Instructor: Glenice
Ph. 0431 771 996
South Perth Community Centre
Cnr South Tce & Sandgate St
Instructor: Adrian
Ph. 0403 959 897
Wandarrah Hall
Edgeware Street
Instructor: Glenice
Ph. 0431 771 996
Cnr High & Riley Roads
Instructor: Meryl
Ph. 0439 099 314
Cannington Leisureplex Centre
Sevenoaks & Wharf St
Instructor: Adrian
Ph. 0403 959 897
George Burnett Leisure Centre
Manning Road
Instructor: Pauline
Ph. 0490 824 930
Amhurst Community Centre
Cnr Warton & Holmes Sts
Instructor: Robin W
Ph. 0450 868 686
Cnr High & Riley Roads
Instructor: Marie
Ph. 0447 343 671
Southern Suburbs
Secret Harbour Community Centre
4 Oasis Drive
Instructor: Judy
Ph. 0419 910 060
Coodanup Community Centre
Wanjeep Street
Instructor: Judy
Ph. 0419 910 060
Community Centre
Cnr Prescott Drive & Williamson Road
Instructor: Pauline
Ph. 0490 824 930
Mike Barnett Sports
Cnr Goddard St & Dixon Road
Instructor: Dale
Ph. 0427 725 050
Waratah Community Church
748 Old Coast Road,
Instructor: Kay
Ph. 0418 118 661
Jandakot Hall
770 North Lake Road
Instructor: Robin W
Ph. 0450 868 686
Hilton Park Bowling Club
Shepherd St
Instructor: Meryl
Ph. 0439 099 314
Community Centre
Wanjeep Street
Instructor : Kay
Ph. 0418 118 661
Community Centre
Cnr Prescott Drive & Williamson Road
Instructor : Zenda
Ph. 0424 833 179
Coodanup Community Centre
Wanjeep Street
Instructor: Judy
Ph. 0419 910 060