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All classes for 2024 have commenced.

Prime Movers do not break for school holidays during the year.


Annual membership fee $20.00

Class fee $5.00 

Visitors $6.00

Pre Paid Voucher of 11 classes for $50.00

Please wear comfortable clothing and lace up sport shoes and bring a bottle of water.

For information on locations of classes in your area please go to the Tab - TIMETABLES.


MAY 2024

Despite the fact that Prime Movers classes returned during one of the hottest summers on record, we have had a very encouraging start to the year. Membership in April is over 3000 and continues to increase – we ended 2023 with 3681 members. Scorching temperatures, broken air-conditioning systems and other impediments did not deter the Seniors of Perth from wanting to keep fit and keep moving at Prime Movers. Meeting up with old friends and making new ones is an added bonus for everyone. Spread the word – Prime Movers is good for you!!   

Thank you all for your support of this great organisation.

Our AGM was held in South Perth on April 13th. There were more than 70 members in attendance, which was wonderful to see. At the AGM the following Office Bearers were elected for 2-year terms: 

• President – Pauline Whitby (re-elected unopposed) 

• Secretary – Ingrid Alexander (newly elected unopposed) 

Four nominations were received for three general committee positions. Following a ballot by all members present the following committee members were re-elected and will retain their previous committee roles: 

• Adrian MacDonald (Equipment), Annie Budarick (Media and Hostess Liaison) and Lynn Panagopoulos (Venues Co-ordinator) 

Vice-President, Kate Bowden, had indicated that she no longer wished to continue in that position. Karen Mennell was co-opted by the committee to serve out the remaining 12 months of the Vice President’s term. This was ratified by a show of hands by members at the AGM. 

Jan Culver (Treasurer), Kate Bowden (Relief), Jan Peterson (Merchandise) and Karen Mennell (Membership) are all halfway through their 2-year terms and will continue in their current roles. 

The Committee is always conscious of the Duty of Care owed to our Instructors and members. We continue to encourage social distancing at classes, provide hand sanitiser, and limit the numbers of participants at classes, depending on the size of the venue. Unfortunately, Covid is still out in the community and as a vulnerable cohort, we must all do our best to protect ourselves and others. If you feel unwell, please stay away until you are fully fit. 

On the subject of safety – please remember to wear sneakers or trainers to class. Wearing lace-ups ensures that your feet stay firmly in your shoes even if someone accidently steps on the back of your shoe, and the soles will minimise the risk of slipping at most of our venues. 

Always just do what you can during classes. It’s good to push yourself a little but listen to your body and take a break if necessary. Just keep moving and laughing – you’ll feel the benefit. 

Unfortunately, another 2 Instructors resigned at the start of 2024. Danuta Kubinski resigned due to ill health and we all wish her the very best for a healthier future. Our wonderful Margaret Harper suffered a very significant fall and felt it necessary to resign from her position as an Instructor. However, Margaret is recovering well and is determinedly working towards rejoining our fantastic team.   These resignations, along with the death of Prim Calver at the end of last year, forced significant changes to our class scheduling from the start of the year. The following classes were cancelled – Mondays at Langford and Mirrabooka, Tuesdays at Kalamunda, Wednesdays at Craigie, Thursdays at Mosman Park, and Fridays at Warwick and Kallaroo. There are other classes either at the same venue or reasonably close by, but it is still disappointing for everyone when a class has to close. These closures really do emphasise the desperate need we have for more instructors. If you are at all interested, please speak to your instructor about it, ask for an Expression of Interest Form, or make contact through the website. It is very sad to have to close classes and this situation will only get worse if we do not have new instructors coming through.

More recently, the Monday class at Girrawheen has closed and been moved to Mirrabooka, starting at 9.30 am on Mondays. The Wednesday class at Currambine has been running over capacity, so there are now back-to-back classes there – one at 8.30 am then another at 10.00 am.

Prime Movers shirts cost $25 and Instructors carry a limited supply but can easily order more.  

Loyalty cards are very popular. The cost of a card is $50 and you get 11 classes! This means you only pay $4.55 for each class and don’t have to worry about carrying cash to each class. It’s easier for the hostesses and Instructors to manage too. If you haven’t bought one yet, give it some thought, we’re all looking for ways to save money these days. Remember to treat the card like cash – if you lose it, there is no refund. Your loyalty card can be used at any class you attend.

Instructors gather every 2 months for a workshop / meeting. Apart from networking together, these meetings are an opportunity to ensure skills are kept up to date and equipment is fit for purpose. Every year all the electrical equipment used by Instructors is Tested and Tagged by a qualified electrician to ensure it is safe to use. 

Members may have noticed some slight changes to the routines at classes. These have been suggested by Andy Ng, a physiotherapist with a particular interest in the fitness of Seniors. Andy has been very helpful in attending workshops and classes and, whilst the basics of Prime Movers classes have not changed, he has offered ideas to ensure that the exercises and sequences are up to date with current practice and research. We are very fortunate to have Andy as a professional consultant. 

Instructors also now have access to streamed videos so that they can keep their routines fresh and in keeping with Prime Movers principles.

Please do not post photos you might take at classes on social media without the express permission of EVERYONE in the picture – even anyone in the background who is not actually part of the subject of the photo. This is an invasion of privacy and with so much manipulation, facial recognition and AI involved nowadays, it can be quite dangerous to just post randomly.

Keep an eye out for other news and long-term changes on our website – www.primemovers

The last classes for 2024 will be held during the week beginning December 2nd (last class Friday 6th). For those planning ahead classes will resume from Monday February 3rd 2025.